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We can't thank the community enough for the undying support and kind words over the years about what we do here. While the fantastic testimonials and feedback has been utterly staggering, this means the demand for our turtles and tortoises has reached a level we never thought it could. This is of course amazing for us but it can be frustrating for interested parties because we are almost always sold out. In fact, in recent years customers have actually prepaid on egg clutches resulting in offspring being completely spoken for before they even hatch. To help manage the demand and to be able to provide animals to those responsibly wanting them, we have created "Prepaid Preorders". This is basically a paid waiting list. It guarantees you the animal(s) of your choice and helps us as a serious facility to find out who really is a suitable new home for them. Patience goes a long way with us.
Below, please read the details of how Prepaid Preorders work.
Payment up front in the full amount of the animal(s) 100% guarantees you the animal (s) and puts you at the top of the list to receive the first born.
A deposit may be left on the animal(s) as well. Deposits are half the total amount of the order. This choice also 100% guarantees you them however, wait time is longer than those who paid in full.
Prepaid preorders are done via pay pal, check, Venmo or credit card (via Pay Pal invoice only) and sales are final. We take the sales of our animals VERY seriously, so we expect you as the buyer to do the same. There are no exceptions to this which means there are no refunds. In the extremely rare case that for some reason the animals are not produced, you will of course be refunded in full, but any personal issues concerning any matter at all on your end will not be granted a refund. We have one of the best reputations in the community so you will always be in great hands with us. We expect the exact same level of respect for our operation and animals. By submitting a prepaid preorder you are agreeing to be in full compliance with these statements from the very start.
Leaving no money up front at all does NOT guarantee you will receive anything but it does put you on the list to be notified of any animals that may be available after those who have paid in full or have left deposits are taken care of.
Shipping costs are additional to the price of the animals and may be paid at the time of shipment.
Quantity discounts are available on select species.
Only hatchlings are offered and are several weeks to a few months old, feeding, active and have put on their first growth rings before shipment to their new homes.
By agreeing to these terms you are entering into a binding agreement by making a prepaid preorder. You are expected to hold up your end. We only allow a certain amount of prepaid preorders that fall comfortably within a projected hatch. This allows us to actually keep our promise to you and it keeps us well-organized.